Planning Your Publication

In keeping with our goal of a sustainable campus, the university encourages departments and units to be the best stewards of university funds as possible. University relations can assist in determining the cost efficiency of printing versus online communications, and can provide assistance in producing print, Web and electronic promotional materials.

Some of the questions you need to ask yourself when planning a printed publication are:

  • How many do I need?
  • How will it be distributed?
  • Who is the target audience?
  • What is the response or action I want from the target audience?

As you proceed with your publication, you should:

  • Avoid producing too large a quantity
  • Adhere to a consistent design standard instead of producing publications with dramatically different looks
  • Be sure that they clearly show that they are part of the University of Arkansas family of publications
  • Follow the minimum design standards in this manual
  • Be sure to obtain permission to print from university relations. See "Permission to print publications for external use" in this guide for more information.

Contact university relations at 479-575-5555 or for more information and assistance with the publication process.