Embroidery & Nametags
Since embroidered letters are required to be at least 1/4" tall to be sewn legibly, it is recommended that verbiage below a logo be limited to a single line of 1/4" tall type. If departments and units need to create embroidered shirts, elimination of the college or division portion of the logo usually allows for a single line of the name of the department below the official UA logo.
Myriad Pro Bold Condensed is the typeface that should be used in this situation.
Contact University Relations for advice in these situations. The emphasis should be clear communication over departmental recognition, and simply stitching the logo by itself is often the most elegant solution.
Below are options for official University of Arkansas nametags. Variations from these versions must be approved by university relations. Our on-campus print group, PMCS, is the preferred vendor and can be reached at https://pmcs.uark.edu/index.php.